
ConexBird in practice


ConexBird in practice


ConexBird has moved from the drawing board to the terminal yard. Here's what's happening and why it matters for the world of container logistics.

Condition Reports

Container Condition Reports are generated automatically by ConexBird's system, and include the following important information:

  • Mechanical age: ConexBird determines how old the container behaves, based on its current structural condition.

  • Score: a score is provided for each container, comparing it to other containers of a similar nominal age.

  • Projected repair costs: ConexBird determines the expected repair costs for the container over the next 5 years.

Fleet Summary Reports

ConexBird summarizes your entire container fleet, and compares it to global averages. Featured data points are:

  • Repair costs: see how much you'd expect to pay to keep your fleet in shape, and compare it to how much you're actually paying.

  • Average score: see how your fleet's durability stacks up against the global average.

  • Fleet-wide durability information: readily identify the best and worst performers within your fleet.

Interested in seeing one of these reports for yourself? Click below to get access to sample ConexBird container reports!
Click Here


OVL Containers offers shippers, lessees and other stakeholders a variety of intermodal solutions through its portfolio of container sale, lease and transport services. Having sensed an early opportunity to address their need for insight into their container fleet, OVL has teamed up with ConexBird to know more about their containers.

We can already see that [ConexBird’s] data will provide us with the visibility we need into the durability of our containers, and it will allow us to get the most out of our fleet and help us reduce repair costs.
Osmo Lahtinen, OVL Founder and CEO
We can already see that [ConexBird’s] data will provide us with the visibility we need into the durability of our containers, and it will allow us to get the most out of our fleet — both by increasing revenue and reducing costs.
Osmo Lahtinen, OVL Founder and CEO

ConexBird's mechanical-age and repair-cost forecasts will drive the optimized usage of OVL's container fleet. To find out more about how OVL is reaping the benefits of ConexBird, check out this article.

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